
Anna rubidiflora

名称状态:被SP2000收录,状态为:Anna rubidiflora为接受名
科属名称:Gesneriaceae(苦苣苔科)  大苞苣苔属
形态描述:Perennial subshrub. Rhizomes 6-10 cm long, 1-1.5 cm in diam. Stems 60-80 cm long, simple or rarely branched, inconspicuously angulate, glabrous. Leaves opposite; blades chartaceous, entire, slightly oblique, lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate, 5-12.5 × 1.5-2.8 cm, apex caudate acuminate or acuminate, base oblique cuneate, margins entire, adaxially appressed pubescent, abaxially pale green, appressed puberulent along veins, lateral veins 5-7 on each side, white, abaxially nerves gibbous; petioles short, 4-9 mm long, purplish red, pubescent. Cymes axillary, close to top, 2-3-flowered; peduncles 3-6 cm long, glabrous. Involucrum pale green, obovate, upper part clearly rotund, bracts close to deltoid rotund, white slightly purplish red tinged, c. 1 cm in diam., commonly deciduous before flowers open; pedicels c. 6 mm long, glabrous. Calyx lobes 5, deeply divided to base, segments obovate-oblong, apex rotund, margin entire, both sides glabrous, without nerve or extremely unapparent 5-nerved, c. 7 mm long, 3-4 mm in diam. Corolla reddish-purple, shortly glandular, 4.3-4.7 cm long; tube gibbose, 3.3-3.7 cm long, c. 0.8 cm in diam. at orifice; limb distinctly 2-lipped, adaxial lip 2-lobed, shorter than abaxial lip, lobes suborbicular, c. 7 mm long, c. 8 mm wide; abaxial lip 3-lobed, suborbicular or oblong, central lobe c. 8 mm long, c. 11 mm wide, lateral lobes c. 6 mm long, 9-10 mm wide. Stamens 4, the upper pair strongly ‘Z’-shaped, c. 8 mm long, adnate to 2 cm above corolla base; the lower pair contorted from the center, c. 10 mm long, adnate to 1.8 cm above corolla base; four filaments glabrous and yellowish brown; anthers reniform, c. 1.2 mm long, chambers 2, fused on the top; 1 staminode, c. 0.5 mm long, adnate to 1.4 cm above corolla base. Disc c. 1.5 mm high, entire. Pistil linear, c. 2.8 cm long, c. 1.6 mm in diam., glabrous; ovary linear, c. 1.9 cm long; style short, c. 7 mm long, stigma 1, capitate. Capsule linear, arc-shaped, dehiscing loculicidally.